Britain to Bangladesh

Almost nobody living in London is really from here it would seem... like so many of my favorite authors that have made London their home. This blog is to explore all the lives, languages and other taking shape here.

My Photo
Location: Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq

A friend in Taiwan characterized me as someone seeking stability in risky environments. If she knew I had relocated to Northern Iraq, she would probably feel she had been proven right... But the truth is, life is quiet here... so far. But it's true that I love the challenge of figuring out yet another new place. I wonder if my curiosity will ever be completely satisfied. Charlie Chan said, "Curiosity responsible for cat needing nine lives." I only have one, so I better satisfy as much as possible before it runs out... or hope that I come back as a cat.

Monday, August 28, 2006

On Being a Teen

I don't know what to post here... I remember my own teen years VIVIDLY... and they weren't pretty, but it had nothing to do with my mom. Seems most of N's troubles originate from disagreements with her mother. She thinks all her mother does THESE DAYS (I need to specify because seems to me like she was working 2-3 jobs before) is be lazy (sleep in) and yell at her. She claims to have been called (in Bengali): stupid, bitch, prostitute, lazy, fat, etc... This is a shame (if true) because although I think we often call people stupid when agry, but it isn't really what we mean. N probably takes it to heart like some other people I know. I took everything to heart, but mostly.... no one called me stupid then, only now!
N has pretty things, clothes and such, but no quiet space to do her own thing. When her mother is home, she needs to clean the house. When her mother isn't home, she just watches TV (although is apparently yelled at for not cleaning after mom comes home). I think she could use more effective time management, but would probably feel more free if she could leve the house a bit more on her own... or if she, me and anyone at home wasn't left babysitting the other N.
I should have been writing all the things N feels here for Tommy who wants to write a novel for teenagers.

Summer Weddings

They've been non-stop... and while fun for Nadia (sometimes), they aren't always fun for all... Me especially when there's company which stays until after 2 am.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Text for this post to come later... something about fingernails and imams and 'Arabic lessons' and maybe a latter post with some little reference to Satanic verses... and Rosie